Vitalize Wellness + Beauty

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10 Things we are Thankful For

While this can be a busy season with all of the Holiday events to attend and joy to be had, we at Vitalize wanted to take a few minutes to share with you all the many things we are thankful for!


    We are so thankful for our health and the ability to be a part of your health and healing.


    What amazing patients, family and friends we all have. The strong group of women who work here at Vitalize often go out of the way to check in and support each other. It’s part of the amazing way that we can support our patients.

  3. LOVE

    we love how dedicated our patients are to getting better

    we love to collaborate and join our knowledge to better serve you

    we love being able to come to work in such an amazing space

    we love our friends and family

    we love working with you all


    What a year! We moved upstairs, doubled our rooms, brought on two new acupuncturist, a few new people at the front desk, grew our knowledge base with continuing education, expanded our reach with many referrals and new patients. Thank YOU for helping us grow!


    What is your purpose? Do you LOVE what you do? Does it feed your heart? Being able to say that we love our job is amazing, especially since we spend so much of time and energy doing it. If you aren’t doing something that makes you happy, are you ready to make a change and find something that does?


    While change is not always easy … it is one of the only things constant in our lives and something we all need a reminder to embrace every once in a while….maybe even a little, every day.


    Dedication is fully committing to something or someone, your health, your career, your partner, your workout routine, from small to lifelong dedication is everywhere. We have dedicated ourselves to assisting you in your healing process while making Vitalize a great place for all of us, and all of you.

  8. JOY

    Joy is found everywhere; the birth of a child, relief from pain, a smile from a stranger, a warm welcome. Keep finding the joy in your life. Even your worst of days bring us joy as we seek to serve and assist you through them.


    What more is there to say?! Nature is amazing! If you don’t make time to experience it on a regular basis, it could be a resolution! Take time to get out into nature and really see what’s there!


    At Vitalize, we are here for you and ready to meet you on your path to health, wherever that might be.