Vitalize Wellness + Beauty

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How to Eat and Live in Support of Your Adrenals


Stress causes increased levels of stress hormones in the body.  You have likely heard of adrenaline, cortisol is also a big one.  We want cortisol to stay in its antagonistic relationship with melatonin, so that we wake up with energy and fall asleep naturally and easily.  If that is thrown off by stress, then we begin to feel poorly, tired, foggy headed, insomnia, anxiety, and more.  This often leads us to crave quick and easy fuel. Overthinking (think student) and a high stress lifestyle or life situations can increase that tendency as the brain prefers sugar as its fuel.  Make the brain work harder and the body starts to request sugar as fuel. Refined and processed foods that come in bags, boxes, and often rich restaurant foods, dressings, sauces, drinks etc provide this easy fuel, high in sugar.  They are easy, quick, and bliss filled calories that throw in a rush of dopamine just to keep us coming back.

Because our lives are so stressful, and our bodies haven’t evolved as quickly as our lifestyles (remember VCR’s), things like traffic and work meetings can cause adrenaline and cortisol ‘rushes’ (fight or flight).  Over time, our bodies begin to go into survival mode, storing fat around our organs (abdomen) in order to insure our safety assuming it’s war time, famine, or sabour tooth tigers that have us this stressed out (remember, evolution ya’ll).  Weight around the middle can also be made worse by working through the day without a break for lunch, causing our blood sugar regulation system (pancreas, insulin, etc) to go into overdrive.  We ignore hunger pains and our bodies assumption about famine becomes correct. Again, the body stores with this style of eating and fasting (diabetes scare starts here).  This can negatively impact fertility (cortisol receptors on the ovaries), thyroid function, nutrient absorption, inflammation, immunity and so much more.

The biology is stacked but we have the knowledge.  Set yourself up for success by planning for your goals.  Think back to times when you have successfully made changes, support yourself in those same ways.  Get massages, practice mindfulness, use incentive if needed, but take it slow.  When you are ready to start the food related changes below, clear out the cabinet and fridge so you don’t have the foods that aren’t on the plan first, then when you shop, be rested, fed, calm ;)  That way shopping for the right foods is easier.

Start slow, maybe only one item from the list below per week, but add them on instead of swapping one for another;

My favourite source for this theory is the adrenal reset diet (audible or book by dr. christianson)

avoid sugar and processed carbs

avoid refined or ground grains added/ avoid boxed items when possible

be aware of sneaky sauces, dressings, and condiments

avoid diary-raw cheese and goat cheese and butter work for some

eat meat, fish, eggs, beans (protein) at every meal

protein servings should be the size of your palm at each meal.

coconut oil for pan cooking, olive oil after cooking only

leafy greens, cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. every meal

root veg & whole grains (cooked; 3tbs AM, 6tbs at noon, 9tbs dinner)

fruit (ex: tomatoes, peppers, apples, melon etc) one serving PM snack

spice and season as you please

drink water (1/2 your weight in ounces each day)

caffeine (one serving before noon)

eat breakfast within one hour of waking

breakfast is large; two eggs, two chicken sausages, side veg, blueberries

sleep at least 8 hours per night - preferred asleep by 11pm for liver health

screens off 30 min before bed

if cortisol is tanked then sleep-cation

strongly recommend starting with a food journal

Consider waiting a week before adding another item especially if you decide to start with some dietary changes.  Then, consider limiting your additions to 1-2 additional items performed 1-2 additional times per week, see how you feel.  Don’t get overwhelmed.  If something else in life ramps up, or you start to feel overwhelmed, take a week or two to break from new additions.  As you begin to notice changes in your energy level, sleep, mood, you may determine that some of the items below are no longer needed, or can shift in a direction of interest.  That makes the self care part of your daily routine, might even become a hobby, and eventually, a lifestyle.

Exercise 3-4 times per week for 30min-1hour of low impact, walking, yoga, etc.  We burn through sugar if we walk within 30 min after eating a meal.  Consider exercising in small chunks, breaks from work where you can breath, clear your mind, circulate blood, then return to sitting and working.  Add one 2-4 hour hike one time per month (to greatly decrease cortisol)


meditation/ qi gong/ tai qi/ mindfulness

foam rolling

dry brushing (start at fingers and toes and bruise toward the torso)

abdominal massage (moving adipose increases metabolism an a cellular level)

journaling/ counseling

power pose (to lower cortisol prior to a stressful event) (amy cuddy ted talk)


We want to be sure that your energy level stays up and that you continue to feel better and better.  All of us should be taking the items listed below on a daily basis.  Dosage and quality are important.  Find these items from a trustworthy source like whole foods.  With supplements you get what you pay for.

multi vitamin (with folate for women till menopause with calcium after)

B vitamin complex (and methylated B vitamins for MTHFR gene mutation carriers)

5,000 iu’s vit d

fish oil

Cal/Mag - insomnia, anxiety, constipation, muscle tension.

Symptoms of long term stress and adrenal fatigue begin to improve within 8 days of changing your eating patterns, especially if you dedicate time for sleep, even if you only rest the first few days.  That said, be sure to gradually shift your body’s routines.  Don’t allow yourself to feel hungry, eat as many vegetables as you can, prepared as you like.

Good luck on your health goals. Please contact us if you need support.