Three At Home Angels for Prevention and Acute Low Back Pain

You Are The Stuff Of Stars; A One Of a Kind Soul on a Unique Journey

You Are The Stuff Of Stars; A One Of a Kind Soul on a Unique Journey

Many of us have been there or witness someone else who’s been there! The pits of despair when low back pain ignites and leaves us crawling to the toilet, unable to stand, and feeling so helpless.

I’ve been there. I’ve helped myself and others get out of there! Like a scary version of being lost in wicked woods with demons of a fairy tale-acute pain is horrid and can effect not only our body but also our emotional and mental health.

These are some small general things you can do to aid in self care in acute low back pain and in general as preventative care! Ways to help you out of the woods! They are simple and inexpensive and help you rebridge the connections of your physical, emotional, and spirit. I know they work because I’ve felt it in my own body and I know they work because my care for others has shown similar results. If you need more individualized aid-reach out, I’m here for you!

Firstly here are three of my most cherished at home helpers:

-Zheng Gu Shui-a topical Chinese herb icy hot if you will. I love it because it absorbs super fast, it smells good, it works.

-Epsom Salts-they help, keep reading, make sure you use enough

-Bioplasma Homeopathic Cell Salts-non-invasive and without side effects;Ive witnessed them relieve acute sprains, headaches, restless legs, dizziness and more

1)If you can get into child’s pose with knees together or open then do so. Let your breath flow all the way to your first chakra/pelvic floor on the inhale. Feel the warmth and movement of breath in that part of your body. Then release all the air out of your mouth on the exhale and repeat. You can imagine a glowing light of violet or white or blue to aid in the breath work and melting of fascial patterns. Do this every 30-60 minutes. If this is not possible because pain is so bad that then you cannot get off of floor-then lay in fetal position on your side and bring knees up to chest as much as your body will allow-feel free to use any and all pillows and props to support yourself and follow same breathing and visualization practice; invite yourself to gently ease out of this.

2)Pull out every topical you’ve ever bought but haven’t used up already…i.e. Tiger Balm, Arnica Gel, Icy Hot, Biofreeze, CBD mix, my favorite-Zheng Gu Shui. Apply to low back, glutes(big butt muscles), tops of thighs(quads), neck, shoulders, sternum. Put on every 15-45 minutes. These things are not magic pills but they offer some relief and multiple application keeps your focus on helping yourself ad bring consciousness to all the levels of yourself. You are gifting yourself light and warmth.

3)Fill up your bathtub and add 2-4 cups of epsom salts. Soak for 10-15 minutes, then rest for 15-20minutes; repeat two times a day in acute times. The Magnesium Sulfate is absorbed through skin(our largest organ) then into blood stream and aids in releasing spasms and tension!

4)Get some Bioplasma Homeopathic Cell Salts-take 5-10 tabs under tongue every 15 minutes for 2 hours in acute situations then can be taken 4 times daily until recovered and can be easily absorbed in your water bottle when you’re better as preventative.

5)Be gentle once you start to feel better. Practice staying more in tune with yourself and checking in. The breath work is grounding and part of what I often teach in yoga and ideal for stress release and restoration. We are all always in a unique melody - our bodies balancing many rhythms in Pitta, Kapha, Vata, or Metabolic, Nerve-Sense, Cardiovascular. You are a multi-dimensional unique human.

6)Love yourself even more. Don’t give up. You are miraculous and you can get through the acute pain and transform and have more tools for prevention and sharing!

Sending my love to you all in these interesting and dynamic times. Reach out if you have questions, want a consult, or just want to say hello! I am looking forward to meeting again in the beautiful space at Vitalize.

With love and sincerity,

Summer Dawn Adhara

