Rotator Cuff Stretches; common stretches for shoulder pain

Rotator cuff injuries and shoulder pain are very common. Over the last year, with more people working from home than ever before, we are noticing a huge increase in neck and shoulder pain, tension and shooting pain, as well as numbness and tingling down the arm. Cases of frozen shoulder also appear to be up this year with the increase in working from home and decrease in access to the gym. Frozen shoulder also appears to have a hormonal link in women over 40 years old who often experience frozen shoulder around menopause.

Regardless of the reasons that you are having rotator cuff pain, shoulder pain and/ or limited range of motion the following shoulder stretches have been helpful in providing our patients with relief.

Stretches is often required daily or even multiple times a day in order to feel relief. If your pain increases significantly after starting stretches it would be a good idea to discontinue and see your healthcare provider in order to ensure proper diagnosis.