Tips for Working from Home


This past year I have seen many cases of back and neck pain that arose as more people started working from home. Have you been slumped over on your couch with your computer on the coffee table? Working from the kitchen table on a hard wooden chair for 10 hours at a time? Or did you just drag your laptop into bed and rest your neck up on a stack of pillows? We’re all doing what we can to adapt! However, below I’ve listed some important reminders and tips that may make your work from home routine a little less painful.

  1. Have a designated office set up- I know this seems obvious, but a lot of us have been trying to get away with the couch or kitchen table set up for a few too many months. A hard wooden kitchen chair can be rough on the SI joint and glute muscles.  A soft cushy bed or couch can wreak havoc on your low back. Try to use an office chair with good lumbar support, or even add a rolled up bath towel behind your back while using your regular chair.. Remember, no matter how ergonomic your office is, sitting all day still isn't awesome! Movement will always be the best medicine. Change up your positions often (sitting, standing, half kneeling, walking meetings) and try the next few tips below.

  2. Take micro walk breaks- No longer being in the office also means we are no longer walking over to your co-workers desk to ask questions, not running to the corner coffee shop during the mid day crash, and not walking from your car to the office building. Generally I have seen a lot less daily movement in patients since work from home started. It gets really easy to cozy up with all of your things and hunker down for a super productive 6 hour work sesh, but then when you finally stand up your hip flexors are screaming at you. If you need a reminder, schedule an hourly alarm on your phone to get up and even just walk up and down the block or try a few of the helpful mobility exercises below.

  3. Mobility work- Your body adapts to what it practices. You will be a great runner if you practice running, and you will be a great sitter if you practice sitting. All the great things that come along with being great at sitting are; a hunched over mid back, tension in your neck, weak glutes and low back pain. Make sure to spend a few minutes multiple times a day attempting to reverse all of the stagnation with a few good stretching or foam rolling sessions. Look for my next blog on my favorite stretches and exercises to break up the work day.

  4. Come get some self care!-  Don't forget to actually ask for help when you need it and let yourself be taken care of sometimes! If you are feeling safe to finally leave the house; chiropractic care, massage, and acupuncture can all work wonders on returning mobility and strength to tight and achy backs. We can also help personalize some exercises or stretches, to better fit your pain, that you can continue to do from the safety of your home office!