Cleansing for the large intestine; annual preventative medicine

It’s the time of year when we are all thinking about an annual cleanse. Our bodies are craving it. Use the momentum of intention setting and new beginnings to add a health element to your 2022 plan.

Using a whole 30 (check it out here) type cleanse with food or a product cleanse (like our current favorite here, offered in a 10 or 28 day option by Standard Process) are both great for a reboot, detox, rejuvenation to the whole body. Doing this at least annually is an important part of your prevention and reduction of ill health symptoms. It also provides a way to detox for cancer prevention.

Skin health is a reflection of gut health and another large system that benefits massively from cleansing. If you are suffering from constipation, hormone irregularities, tight muscles, digestive irregulars, skin irritation, or acne a cleanse should be one of the first things you try in order to regain balance.

Probiotics are a crucial part of your cleanse. In fact, they are an important part of your immune prevention as well as your gut health, emotional health, sleep health, skin health, general inflammation levels and more. Taking a daily probiotic during your 30 day cleanse is a great reset to the system. Taking 1-3 daily doses consecutively is a mini reset that can be great throughout the year when you notice inflammation due to triggers such as alcohol, caffeine, high acid foods or when you encounter antibiotics, a GI bug, food poisoning, etc. Learn more about the microbes in your gut here with a great Ted Talk on the gut micro biome.

  • By the way, we love so many of the Ted Talks out there. If you want to check out some other talks on many other topics, try this site.

During your cleanse consider adding in daily, 30 min walks. If you are already an active person, you may prefer adding the walks onto what would have been a ‘off day’ or you might even add the 30 min walks as additional exercise. Also, consider just 10 min a day of meditation (we love headspace). Wake your body up or, if it sounds more natural, put your body to bed with 20 min of gentle stretching.

Enjoy your reset.