A 2024 tribute to Black History

This year, in honor of Black History Month, we are sharing our favorite, regular, content in support of healing from white supremacy and becoming anti-racist. We won’t be stopping there, it takes action, as a start, we wanted to share these gems.

If you haven’t started the work of unpacking white supremacy, and how to be anti-racist or if it’s been a few years since you last checked in, it’s time to join the collective. We have a few great recommendations that we have explored in order to experience growth and inspire more even more. First, a favorite, the podcast Throughline.

Throughline is an NPR production and is an amazing and educational look at so many things in our culture. Here is how they describe their mission: “The past is never past. Every headline has a history. Join us every week as we go back in time to understand the present. These are stories you can feel and sounds you can see from the moments that shaped our world.” I can’t say enough great things about how they present and what they chose to cover. I always end my time listening with a whole new perspective. The most recent episode was another experience like that for me. This last week, an episode on James Baldwin, his life, fantastical mind, and his many contributions to America. Check it out here or anywhere that you listen to podcasts.

Next, in honor of change, awareness and self improvement, we recommend the book Do Better by Rachel Ricketts. Thank you Rachel, for taking the time out of your life to school us on such difficult topics, with a gentle, thoughtful and direct way. It is just what we need! If you haven’t already, please check out this book, add it to your book club, gift it to your people. For more, read here.