Why a pill bleed is not a period.

Why a pill bleed is not a period.

File this under things they should have taught us in Sex Ed. It took me a long time to really understand that while on birth control pills, women do not get periods. They do not ovulate, they do not make progesterone, they do not have a cycle.

Fertility Acupuncture - How does it work?

Fertility Acupuncture - How does it work?

How does acupuncture enhance fertility? I am asked this question frequently. With declining fertility rates nationally, more and more people are seeking support on the path to conception, and infertility is one of the many things we treat regularly at Vitalize. Acupuncture can help in a variety of ways. While there are specific acupuncture points that “treat infertility,” like most conditions, each individual has their own set of health needs and we seek to provide treatment plans that are best suited to each specific case. In the most general terms, acupuncture has two primary functions for fertility:

  1. Acupuncture increases blood flow to reproductive organs

  2. Acupuncture calms the nervous system - decreasing stress hormones and promoting balanced reproductive hormones