five element theory

What is Five Element Acupuncture?

A unique treatment principal of Five Element Acupuncture is that within each person there is thought to be one root cause of all imbalance, illness, pain, or symptom that the person experiences. By treating the causative factor, all elemental energies come into greater balance and the person starts to feel more like themselves while experiencing an improvement in symptoms.

From Water To Wood

We are shifting from the Water energy of Winter into the Wood energy of Spring! What does that mean?

Imagine the vital energy of the seed in the Earth - full of potential and nestled into the soil to feel the vibrations around it. There is a song and dance happening. In Winter, we are like the seed-tucking into the depths of more darkness and seeking loved ones during the Holidays for warmth and support and reminders of light and love; letting roots stabilize and grow towards Earth's core and deep water sources.