Creating Connection in Seclusion

vitalize connection community

When we experience times like these, where strange things are happening that we have never lived through, we aren’t quite sure how to navigate. Staying six feet or more from those around us can quickly leave us feeling disconnected, lonely, and even depressed. We wanted to give you a few quick ideas to started with your own ideas. While these aren’t rocket science or otherwise groundbreaking, sometimes during strange and uncomfortable times a few reminders of ways we all can connect can come in handy.

  • A good old fashioned phone call. Remember those? My best friend and I talked for hours.

  • A dual between you and your pal on a favorite video game app or perhaps a workout challenge. Are you getting in all those steps?

  • Learn a language together. Duolingo anyone?

  • Distance meditation. Who says you can meditate together.

  • Try Skype and FaceTime for a change. The platforms make in-person contact possible when it’s not possible..

  • Try a virtual gift or card- perhaps that’s just an email or maybe it’s a little something to let someone know you are thinking about them.

  • Send a gift or prepackaged food delivered to your friend or sweetheart.

  • Create and send a voice memo while you read a favorite book for children in your family.

  • Face time into your event you would have otherwise attended in person, or create a remote event. It can be an event as simple as listening to some music together or doing a short meditation.

And don’t forget, that some alone time can be a good thing too. This gives us a chance to connect to ourselves, to listen to that deepest part of who we are, that always knows what is best for us.

And when all else fails… join the Italians…

one last thing….. have you all noticed how nice everyone is right now? It brings tears to my eyes! It’s so inspiring how such a shocking, strange and intense experience can actually bring people together. Right away!! The silver lining as it were….it’s almost worth it just for that. I hope, despite the suffering this brings to you and yours, that there might be a small (or large) silver lining for you too!