Alternative Care

Cold Truth About Ice

Someone rolls their ankle. Immediately, everyone has the same reaction; “Get some ice on it!” We, as a culture, have been icing injuries since the 1970’s, but has anyone ever stopped to ask ‘why?’ 

I did. I wrote my doctoral capstone on ice, titled ‘Ice: Misused and Over Prescribed.’ After digging into the history and evidence of icing injuries I found the following; ice is great for numbing pain, slows inflammation (which is an essential part of healing), prolongs injury and recovery, and can cause damage to tissue (though this is quite rare). This means that ice is overused and overprescribed. It should only be used to manage pain or slow biochemical decay (in instances like losing a finger with the possibility of it being reattached). Ice alone should not be used to expedite the healing process. 

Energy Medicine at Vitalize : REIKI is for Everyone

Energy Medicine at Vitalize : REIKI is for Everyone

When I looked up the definition of Energy Medicine on Google this is what I found, “ A branch of alternative medicine based on a belief that practitioners can channel “healing energy” into a patient and effect positive results. As a practitioner, this definition feels very vague to me. I feel that Energy Medicine is kind of a gray area for a lot of people because it is not yet widely recognized as an integral part of a holistic wellness plan in the same way many other therapies are.

Insurance Empowerment

Insurance Empowerment

Do you ever feel like insurance jargon is a totally different language? Well, it kind of is. Here we will uncover some basics that will hopefully leave you feeling empowered about this consumer-based healthcare world we find ourselves teetering on the edge of. We will focus on defining some vocabulary and lining out some questions to ask your HR rep at work or insurance customer service. Or even better, you can find the answers yourself by reading through the benefit summaries your plan/administrator is required to deliver to you.