
Walking through...the final trimester of pregnancy

Walking through...the final trimester of pregnancy

Third trimester: A.K.A. Get this baby out!

In the third trimester, I continued to rely on regular acupuncture treatments for pretty much all of the things that we went over for trimesters one and two. With an ever growing belly, the aches, pains, and fatigue were constantly shifting and changing. As someone who prioritizes feeling my best, it took a strong commitment to self-care and regular treatment. But the biggest superstar regarding acupuncture and the third trimester, and perhaps one of the things that acupuncture gets the most attention for (even amongst crowds who don’t lean on acupuncture for regular treatment), is acupuncture labor induction, another thing I relied heavily on at the end of my pregnancy.

Pregnancy - A walk through the trimesters continued...

Pregnancy - A walk through the trimesters continued...

Second trimester:

The second trimester feels like it can be summed up by ‘changes everywhere, to everything’. I think for a lot of women, the second trimester is when the reality of pregnancy really starts to set in. This is due in no small part to the reality of the growing pregnant belly, and the associated low back pain, leg and foot (and everywhere) swelling, frequent urination, the list goes on. And while there is usually some reprieve from nausea for most women, that is often and quite quickly swapped out for heartburn and general digestive sluggishness. Acupuncture to the rescue again!

Safety of Herbs in Pregnancy

Safety of Herbs in Pregnancy

At Vitalize, we love working with pregnant mamas.  The conditions that arise during pregnancy are unique and the treatment options can sometimes feel limited.  There is always the extra step of asking how this will impact the growing babe. It is best to assume that anything you ingest will pass to the baby, and this includes herbs and supplements.  This certainly does not mean that you have to stop all your herbs and supplements when you get the BFP (big fat positive!). And it also doesn’t mean we can’t treat your nausea, fatigue, sinus congestion, swelling, heartburn, insomnia, etc. with herbs.  Our practitioners are informed about herbal safety and can guide you.