Vitalize + Chiropractic Care Update

Hello Vitalize Community!

Dr. Rachel, chiropractor at Vitalize

Dr. Rachel and Dr. Madelynn wanted to reach out and touch base with all our wonderful patients to check-in and give you an update on our lives and the care available to you.

We would love to hear from you. Reach out, let us know how you are feeling, what has been transpiring for you and if there is anything we can do to help support you. For the remainder of the time that we are out of the office, you can reach us at or Please reach out with any of your health questions, we would love to set up a Zoom Telehealth appointment or email exchange as necessary. While we know this is a lot different than our adjustments, you’d be amazed at the effectiveness some good ergonomic advice or target rehab and stretching can have with any areas of pain.

During this unknown territory we both are doing our best to stay happy and healthy at home with our loved ones. We miss seeing all of you so much and can not wait for the day that we return to the clinic. Given the close physical proximity of chiropractic care, both of us are following the CDC recommendations closely to help determine when it will be safe for us to return to in person visits at Vitalize, but we are still here for you!

Some quick updates on our lives…

  • Dr. Madelynn is expecting her first child at the end of September! She and her husband are very excited about this next adventure and are taking the days one at a time in order to stay happy and healthy. With this newest addition making HER <3 debut during this crazy time, Dr. Madelynn is going to be making cautious and informed decisions about her return with the help of her doctors’ advice. She has been staying busy continuing her education online and broadening her knowledge in pediatric chiropractic as well as animal chiropractic.

  • Dr. Rachel has been using this time off to focus on her running as well as continuing her education with online seminars and reading. She has recently become a certified running coach and is looking forward to eventually offering this as another service to the Vitalize community. Look for a weekly newsletter with some advice for new runners coming out soon. Next week she is also looking to add further training in the rehab and care of the pregnant and postnatal population as well as doing an online study of pediatric care online with Dr. Madelynn.

Yours in health,

Dr. Madelynn and Dr. Rachel