Alternative Care

Insurance Empowerment

Insurance Empowerment

Do you ever feel like insurance jargon is a totally different language? Well, it kind of is. Here we will uncover some basics that will hopefully leave you feeling empowered about this consumer-based healthcare world we find ourselves teetering on the edge of. We will focus on defining some vocabulary and lining out some questions to ask your HR rep at work or insurance customer service. Or even better, you can find the answers yourself by reading through the benefit summaries your plan/administrator is required to deliver to you.

What is NAET & how does it work?

What is NAET & how does it work?

NAET stands for Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques.  Similar to the common allergy treatment of micro-dosing with certain allergens such as peanuts, NAET involves exposure to the substance while you rest with acupuncture needles in your body.

Seasonal Allergies: Tips and Tricks

Seasonal Allergies: Tips and Tricks

Allergy season in the NW has officially started.  If you are feeling the symptoms here are a few tips to get you through...

1) Before bed wash your face and hair: Allergens, like pollen that are blowing around outside stick to our hair, clothes, and face.  Before bed, wash out these allergens so that your body's immune system isn't stuck fighting them all night long.