rachel gilman

Preparing the Immune System for Fall

Preparing the Immune System for Fall

Lets start by clarifying one thing - the body does not have an immune system, the body is an immune system, many parts working together for continued health.  There are a lot of variables to consider – the lymphatic system, which is rich with white blood cells, the skin and mucous membranes, the hypothalamus, which regulates body temperature.  So, like with most things, Chinese medicine uses a “whole systems” approach to treatment.  You can use this approach yourself, by first thinking about what you can do for the health of your whole system:

Free and Easy Wanderer

Free and Easy Wanderer

Xiao Yao San is a classical Chinese Herbal formula commonly used for a variety of issues cause by stagnation in the body, particularly in the liver.  When the liver stagnates we might experience irritability or a short temper, tension in our neck and shoulders, digestive upset which could include constipation or diarrhea, depressed mood, and an overall feeling of being 'stuck'.  We might feel stuck in life, with a partner, in our career, etc.  Its an overall lack of motivation to move forward, even if we already made the decision of what to do, though indecisiveness can also occur when the liver is stagnant.

Vitalize Community Events

Vitalize Community Events

In an effort to create a sense of community in what is often a very singular society, we have created a space, opened that space to creatives and thinkers alike, so that they can share their talents and gifts.  With a pole of our general patient base, we determined that weekends are most requested, we have set a calendar of monthly events open for any and all interested.  Our events center around health and healing, with a focus on the mind body connection.  We have purposefully chosen our events to hold space for a diverse area of topics.  These events are free and we hope that members of our community will bring their friends and loved ones to join in.