
The New Multi Use Space + Finding Balance

Because of the Stay Home-Stay Safe order in Oregon, most of the country, and much of the world, we are now in our homes more then ever using them in many different ways. The kitchen table or the dining room has become the office and the bedroom is a classroom. For studio dwellers, multi-use space has already been a part of their routine. However, without the option of going somewhere else, those walls might seem a bit closer than before.

Here are a few things that can help with balance our new multi use spaces.

Vitalize + COVID

Vitalize + COVID

We are currently open and serving patients with Acupuncture. Those who have been in contact with their MD’s and received prescriptions for massage may book massage as well. Starting Mid May we will also have Chiropractic services as well as expanded Acupuncture and Massage options.

From Water To Wood

We are shifting from the Water energy of Winter into the Wood energy of Spring! What does that mean?

Imagine the vital energy of the seed in the Earth - full of potential and nestled into the soil to feel the vibrations around it. There is a song and dance happening. In Winter, we are like the seed-tucking into the depths of more darkness and seeking loved ones during the Holidays for warmth and support and reminders of light and love; letting roots stabilize and grow towards Earth's core and deep water sources.

What acupuncture point is that? Pericardium 6 for a Calm Mind, Happy Tummy & Deep Breaths

What acupuncture point is that?  Pericardium 6 for a Calm Mind, Happy Tummy & Deep Breaths

Each acupuncture point has a unique application.  Pericardium 6 is one of our most valuable points and it is also a useful pressure point for nausea, motion sickness, and anxiety.   

Wondering why acupuncture leaves you feeling so blissed out?

Wondering why acupuncture leaves you feeling so blissed out?

It is said in Chinese medicine that when there is pain, treat the spirit (i.e. mental-emotional wellbeing) of the patient. Within the scope of acupuncture, this treatment of the spirit is usually accomplished by incorporating points on the Heart channel and/or special points in the ear that help to promote an overall sense of calm and positivity.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Many of you have asked us lately about cosmetic acupuncture. At Vitalize, we offer two different styles, Mai Zen, and Facial Rejuvenation. Mai Zen is a style of cosmetic acupuncture that one of the Vitalize founders, Ms. Rachel Gilman L.Ac., was trained in shortly after graduating OCOM. When Rach made the leap, and left Vitalize to serve as an acupuncturist at Intel, some in our Vitalize community quickly asked who would be providing this service in her place.

Allergy Prevention and Management with Acupuncture and Herbs

Allergy Prevention and Management with Acupuncture and Herbs

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine can help nip your current flare up of winter time allergies in the bud and strengthen your body’s immune system to reduce and prevent symptoms from occurring in the spring. Many patients find that their sinuses open within minutes of an acupuncture session!

Self-Care on the Weekdays

Self-Care on the Weekdays

While I’m sitting here in the office at 5pm on a Monday, the sun is down and city lights are glowing through the window. It makes me realize that I haven’t taken the time today to give myself any attention.