Inspiring Movie Reviews- Mission Joy

Inspiring Movie Reviews- Mission Joy

Movie watching, a favourite pastime for many of us. Here we summarise and review a few documentaries available currently on Netflix. These are inspiring, focused on health and wellness related topics that are particularly on track with the health and healing that we promote here at Vitalize. If you enjoy the read below, here is a link to the Mission Joy Website.

Do You Wonder About The Lines of Aging?

Do You Wonder About The Lines of Aging?

We will all, inevitably and possibly at some point soon, begin to notice the signs of aging.  It is most important to find peace with this reality, to have gratitude for our youth and the beauty that we can express from the inside out.  We give ourselves freedom when we spend less time worrying about it.  All of that said, it is natural to resist change in our bodies, especially when it comes to aging.

Live to 100: The Secrets of the Blue Zones

Live to 100: The Secrets of the Blue Zones

I am obsessed with the Blue Zones! If you aren't sure what I’m talking about, the short answer is it’s about a few areas in the world where the rates of people living to be 100 years old (young) or more are high. Too old for you, you say? Not if you can still dance while balancing a Sake bottle on your head as this centenarian is doing in Okinawa, Japan.

Have you heard of Richard Rohr?

Have you heard of Richard Rohr?

Richard Rohr is a Franciscan Friar and Catholic Mystic, he has written over 30 books on spirituality and runs The Center for Contemplation and Action in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has an amazing perspective on life and our times. No matter what other spiritual or religious groups or practices you might take part in, you will find a bright light in Richard Rohr.

Cold Truth About Ice

Someone rolls their ankle. Immediately, everyone has the same reaction; “Get some ice on it!” We, as a culture, have been icing injuries since the 1970’s, but has anyone ever stopped to ask ‘why?’ 

I did. I wrote my doctoral capstone on ice, titled ‘Ice: Misused and Over Prescribed.’ After digging into the history and evidence of icing injuries I found the following; ice is great for numbing pain, slows inflammation (which is an essential part of healing), prolongs injury and recovery, and can cause damage to tissue (though this is quite rare). This means that ice is overused and overprescribed. It should only be used to manage pain or slow biochemical decay (in instances like losing a finger with the possibility of it being reattached). Ice alone should not be used to expedite the healing process. 

Terminal Illness, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Terminal Illness, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

When you or someone close to you is experiencing grief or the end of their lives, it can be life-changing. Ongoing acupuncture care and support for you and your loved ones during the last part of the human journey can provide a space for the processes needed. Making time for care and attention to these needs allows for a healthy and stable closure to this experience of death.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Painful Periods

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Painful Periods

Painful menstruation is called dysmenorrhea, and refers the pain that occurs around the menstrual, or bleeding, phase of the cycle. There may be other associated symptoms like nausea, fatigue or diarrhea. While many people experience some cramping with their period, some have pain severe enough that it keeps them from doing their regular activities. They may rely on pain relievers and heating pads, but sometimes that is not enough. There are many possible causes for dysmenorrhea that can be explored with a gynecologist - endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids, cysts, hormone imbalance, heavy periods, low back injury, past or present infection, pelvic nerve compression, pelvic inflammatory disease.

The Year of the Water Rabbit

The Year of the Water Rabbit

We are currently transitioning into the Year of the Yin Water Rabbit according to the Chinese calendar. It’s also going to be the year 4721! As I have been enjoying reading about the coming year and learning more about my chart as well as some of yours, I am reminded that astrology can provide an interesting prompt for exploration. Many of the customs around the new year serve to give us that opportunity - to celebrate, to set goals, to consider the value of relationships and the direction of our lives. Astrology, rather than fortune-telling, is a playful mirror to explore our potential. What follows is largely summarized from Tiger’s Play Astrology. I encourage you to read more there.