Do you have Blood Stagnation? What to look for.

Do you have Blood Stagnation?  What to look for.

According to Chinese Medicine, many chronic conditions have stagnant circulation of blood as part of their root cause. This certainly goes for pain, but also in many cases of auto-immune conditions, digestive disorders, gynecological issues, and even mental health concerns. 




In the morning:

Facial Cleanse & Sinus Rinse

See instructions at the bottom of this document.

Think before opening Windows: Trees and grass pollen that cause spring allergies can blow into your house even if you open your windows even a crack,

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a time-tested natural approach for combating the signs of aging and promoting a healthy and radiant appearance. While no therapies, surgical, chemical, or natural can reduce every sign of aging,  facial rejuvenation acupuncture is an ideal and effective option for those who would like to avoid risky and expensive surgeries or chemical procedures, as well as those who place a high value on preserving a natural appearance.

Functions Of The 5 Flavors

Functions Of The 5 Flavors

Food should taste good, right? So why are so many medicines bitter? There are bitter flavor receptors throughout the whole body, and just like the other flavors, the bitter flavor has specific biochemical actions that we can benefit from. The 5 flavors are one of the most important concepts of Chinese Herbalism and food therapy. Here is a rundown of how each of the 5 flavors - spicy, sweet, bitter, sour, and salty - functions in your body.

Massage for Motor Vehicle Accidents

Massage for Motor Vehicle Accidents

In Oregon, if you are in a car accident you have one year and/ or $10,000 to insure that your body and over all health are restored to pre-accident conditions.  Patients often start with Acupuncture or Chiropractic services for full assessment.  If needed imaging is requested. 

Happy to meet you, happy to be here!

Happy to meet you, happy to be here!

As a recent addition to the Vitalize team, I wanted to take a moment to say a warm hello and introduce myself to the community that I am so happy to be a part of. 

I come to Vitalize from my own practice, Eng Acupuncture Center, in Silverton, OR, where I have practiced since 2014. While I continue

Insurance Empowerment

Insurance Empowerment

Do you ever feel like insurance jargon is a totally different language? Well, it kind of is. Here we will uncover some basics that will hopefully leave you feeling empowered about this consumer-based healthcare world we find ourselves teetering on the edge of. We will focus on defining some vocabulary and lining out some questions to ask your HR rep at work or insurance customer service. Or even better, you can find the answers yourself by reading through the benefit summaries your plan/administrator is required to deliver to you.

Acupuncture For a Healthy Pregnancy

Acupuncture For a Healthy Pregnancy

You may already know that we at Vitalize treat a lot of fertility and women’s health.  This includes pregnant women with their myriad complaints.  Let’s face it, as much as we may look like glowing goddesses, a pregnant body can be very uncomfortable.  So here are some of the things acupuncture can treat in pregnancy, a time when other treatment options are limited.

Small Exercises You Can Do While Sitting At Work

Small Exercises You Can Do While Sitting At Work

Many of us have to work a 9-5 job where finding time to exercise is nearly impossible. With the weather changing to wet and rainy, the sun only making a few appearances and the days getting shorter and shorter, our mental and physical self take a hit. However, these changes are usually when our body and mind usually need exercise the most.

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

   CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle touch, not using more then five grams of pressure about the weight of a nickel. This very light touch is what sets it apart from regular massage or bodywork. Our bodies are interconnected and when one part is not functioning or moving correctly, it starts to influence the rest of our functions leading to pain and discomfort.   CST can help upwind and release the bodies discomfort allowing space for the body to heal.  Our bodies are self healing mechanisms.  The job of your craniosacral therapist is to allow the space for your body to unwind and self-heal. 

Acupuncture Explained: DU 20, Crown Of The Head

Acupuncture Explained: DU 20, Crown Of The Head

Do you ever wonder why your acupuncturist chooses a certain point?  There is always a reason, and a unique set of points selected for you.  But DU 20, Bai Hui, is a point that almost every patient will have at one time or another.  So, here’s the scoop on DU 20. 

Top Five Nutrients That Help Women With The Symptoms of PMS

Top Five Nutrients That Help Women With The Symptoms of PMS

NUMBER ONE: Check-in on your B Vitamin needs. Why? Taking a good B Vitamin complex throughout the month will help reduce the symptoms of PMS.  Estrogens, including oral birth control pills or hormone replacement, deplete B vitamins. Depletion can take a toll on the body because we need B vitamins for multiple functions. Vitamin B6 specifically helps to boost the production of serotonin. When serotonin is low, women experience depression, poor memory and poor sleep (which we often see in PMS). In the liver, B Vitamins contribute to detoxification of environmental pollutants, medications and excess estrogens. Having a busy lifestyle, high exercise output, stress, and alcohol consumption all deplete our B’s. Even if a woman is not taking an estrogen hormone, she likely needs them! Make sure to ask your provider about doses.

What exactly is the the "pop" you hear when getting adjusted?

What exactly is the the "pop" you hear when getting adjusted?

If you have been adjusted before, you are familiar with the usual popping or cracking sound that sometimes happens. Many people ask me what that sound is, guessing that the bones are rubbing together or its the sound of a bone popping back into place. However, what is actually occurring is something much more simple. 

Women's Health and Chiropractic Care

Women's Health and Chiropractic Care

We might not automatically consider booking an appointment with a chiropractor for the treatment of period cramps, infertility or other women's health conditions.  The fact is, most conditions affecting the uterus are due to a lack of blood flow causing stagnation of blood and sometimes pain.

Massage Downtown Portland

Massage Downtown Portland

We are excited to share that we have recently expanded our massage offerings.  We have two therapists at Vitalize and have appointments available on both Saturdays and Sundays.  Massage options include; deep tissue, therapeutic, cranial sacral, pin and stretch, lymphatic drainage, cupping, and scraping are all available.